Appropriate for playgrounds, shopping areas or any high traffic area where cost is a consideration. Standard features include chrome-plated brass bubbler locked to stainless steel receptor. Fountain has a cross-arm, self-closing, chrome-plated valve and a 12” diameter floor flange which gives it an exceptionally sturdy mounting base. Equipped with automatic flow regulation. Product Number for ECONOMY DRINKING FOUNTAINS: 4300 (Lever handle) 4400 (Push button, surface mount) 4430 (Lever handle, surface mount) Options: SMP-6 | Surface mounting plate -85 | Valve box with lid -96 | Sand Strainer Plate -SS | Stainless steel finish
Column is fabricated from one piece steel pipe and all exposed parts are recessed in welded steel plates (4400 and 4430)
Mounting plate comes standard
Access plates are vandal resistant and provide easy maintenance
Steel bubbler guard(s) and chrome plated brass bubbler
Adjustable flow regulation
18 gauge brush finished stainless steel receptor with a vandal resistant chrome plated brass drain plug
Stainless steel supply fittings connected to reinforced tubing
Woodland green powder coat finish only
In-line mesh screen strainer
Supply complete with 1/2” IPS lock shield screwdriver stop
1-1/4” IPS waste pipes included with every fountain
4300 35″H x 12″ Dia. base /
4400 36″H x 12″ Dia. base / Single with surface mount
4430 36″H x 12″ Dia. base / Single with surface mount with level handle
All dimensions subject to manufacturing variance of plus or minus 1/4″ (6 mm).