Terrazzo’s natural non-slip surface provides better footing and increased safety. Wheelchair shower floors are flanged on three sides for a water tight joint between the wall and shower floor. These shower floors must be set on a level grout or mortar bed.
Product Number for the PARIAN ROLL-IN SHOWER FLOOR:
WDA-3400, WDA-3410, WDA-3420
Product number corresponds to dimensions tab below. Select your product number to fit the space you need.
Flanges are intended to be used with wall tile applied by others to conform with Federal, state and local shower stall dimensions
Floors can be supplied less flanges (-LF)
A floor drain by others at the entrance to the sloped threshold and a collapsible water dam (Option: -RDM) are recommended for added protection
WDA-3400 – 39×39″
WDA-3410 – 60×30″
WDA-3420 – 60×36″
All dimensions subject to manufacturing variance of plus or minus 1/4” (6 mm)